V2.0.0 - Framework version upgrade
In order to keep the code up to date and include the latest security fixes for our dependencies, all the technologies used by the widget have been updated.
Deployment of the new version at https://v3-widget.leadformance.com/v2/bridge-widget.js
Version 1 is no longer maintained.
V1.2.0 - Algolia Places autocomplete replacement
Google's autocomplete service (Algolia Places) is discontinued as of May 31, 2022.
To avoid losing the autocomplete, we've replaced it with a new service that will ensure optimal city suggestion. This new service calls 2 APIs:
API GOUV for French results.
Autocomplete Mapbox for international results.
V1.1.3 - Display for Edge 15 Bugfix
The issues with the locations search feature of the widget with Edge 15 browser are now solved.
Authorizes API url change thanks to window.BRIDGE_API_URL_OVERRIDE variable.
V1.1.2 - Event "bridge.widget.search.results" optimization
The event : bridge.widget.search.results as been updated to be produced when the results are displayed by the widget.
V 1.1.1 - Polyfill event added for IE11 Bugfix
Events are now available and do not lead to widget crash anymore for IE11 Browser.
V 1.1.0 - Javascript events implementation
In order to improve user experience and widget integration in websites, 5 javascript events have been implemented.
bridge.widget.location.select : event produced by clicking on link toward local page / website
bridge.widget.location.custom : event produced by clicking on custom link built from Custom Id
bridge.widget.search.empty : event produced by a search without results
bridge.widget.search.results : event produced by a search with results
bridge.widget.global.error : events produced when the widget is in error status
V 1.0.1 - Lock of Empty search and Internet Explorer 11 compatibility
The search
It is no more allowed to proceed search without any terms.
Web browsers compatibility
Compatibility improvment with Internet Explorer 11 browser.
V 1.0.0 - Local pages deactivation and optimizations
The search
Debounce time augmentation (change 300ms to 500ms) in order to adapt to visitors reading speed.
The search
- Phone numbers with spaces are now clickable (Call To).
- Widget is now compatible with Local Pages deactivation for only some Locations (the link toward the Location Page is hidden for Locations without any Local Pages or Website).
V 0.5.0 - Autocomplete optimization and results relevance improvement
The autocomplete
- In order to better distinguish the cities with the same name, the autocomplete suggestions now includes the Postal code
- After a text search, the autocomplete suggestions flap closes by itself
The results
- Improvement of the results, based on Google geocoding
- Cities from Andorre and Monaoco has been added to the FR cities
- For more customization, a new "today opening-hours-day" has been added
V 0.4.0 - Opening status, Products and Services icons, Website URL and route to the location
The results
- If the location has no local page, the first link can lead to the "Website" URL, defined in the administrative information of a Location through the Back Office.
- The opening status is now displayed in the Locations information in the results list.
4 different status are available :
- Open
- Open in XX minutes ( if opening time is in less than One hour)
- Close in XX minutes ( if closing time is in less than One hour)
- Closed
- The Products and Services icons (beforehand defined by a BRIDGE administrator) can now be displayed for each Location, in the information from the list of results.
The route
The user can now request the route to the Location, using as starting point his localization. The route is displayed in Google Maps, depending the device : either in another browser window, or in the dedicated application.
V 0.3.0 - Special opening hours, loader and maximum number of locations in the results
The search
- A loader can now be displayed when the search is processing
- A new attribute data-search-max-results allows to limit the number of Locations displayed in the results list
The results
- Special opening hours are now considered and have their own class, so they can be customized with their proper style
V 0.2.0 - Wider functional SCOPE
The search
- A new attribute
allows to launch a HTML5 geolocation search
- A new attribute
allows to define a maximum search radius (in kilometer)
- To improve results relevance, the clic on the city suggested by the autocomplete now launches a geolocation search, using the cities coordinates (before processing a full text search as a fallback)
- To improve results relevance, the search done through a text search is first traduced in a geocoded search, using the GPS coordinates of the search. As a fallback, the search processes a full-text search.
- The
autocomplete now suggests overseas territorial departments, in French
The map
- A new attribute
allows to define a customized Location marker on the map
- A new attribute
allows to gather Locations markers on the map
The results
- A new attribute
allows to define the customizable URL which is build from the CustomId as a setting (for further information: https://help.leadformance.com/hc/en-us/articles/115001342113-Adding-a-customized-link-or-action- ).
- A numbered marker is now available for each location, in the results list. The number on the marker allows to find the Location on the map, by finding the same numbered marker.
V 0.1.0 - First version of the widget
The widget offers a fast and simple way to integrate a store locator on your own website.
It is inserted in your Web page by an Iframe, so it does not implies any style or Javascript collision in the page where it is added.
It is provided styleless, so you easily customize it.
In it first version, it comes with these basic features :
- Full text search
- Style Customization
- Labels Customization
- Map display with the Locations from the results list
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