In order to measure the performance of the Online Listing module - more specifically concerning the Google Business Profile (GBP) directory - you can find the performance of your GBP listings, according to several insights:
- The number of displays of your listings, and its repartition by Google service:
- View on Search: A customer found your business via Google Search.
- Views on Maps: A customer found your business via Google Maps.
- The types of searches leading to the consultation of the file: direct and indirect searches:
- Direct searches: A customer directly searched for your business name or address.
- Discovery searches: A customer searched for a category, product, or service that you offer, and your listing appeared.
- Branded searches: A customer searched for your brand or a brand related to your business.
- Actions taken by Internet users following consultation of the GMB file: phone calls, direction requests and visits to the website.
A simple and effective way to measure the different leads generated by your Google Business Profile listings!
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