Ensure your compliance by following the recommendations of the CNIL
The GDPR standards updated by the CNIL: What are they? Am I respectful of the standards? What do I have to do? When do I have to do it?
This article is for you if you have establishments on the territory of the European Union or if you process the personal data of European residents.
The CNIL published its guidelines on cookies in October 2020, with a deadline for compliance set at the end of March 2021. All actors collecting user data by depositing cookies on their websites are concerned and must comply within the coming months.
Discover here the main new features resulting from the new CNIL recommendations:
Clear consent: Scroll and click navigation are no longer valid modes of consent.
Consent must consist of a clear positive action on the part of the user. The CNIL is no longer considering scroll and click navigation to be valid modes of consent. In other words, there is no longer any question of setting cookies as soon as the user browses or clicks on the page of your website; of referring to a page dedicated to the privacy policy or of using a formulation of the type "By continuing browsing, you accept that we use your personal data [...]" (scroll consent).
For more details on consent and its nuances, we invite you to read our dedicated article.
A period of validity of the consent to the deposit of cookies that goes from 13 to 6 months.
The CNIL is making some changes: The retention period for the user's choice of cookies has been reduced from 13 months to 6 months (period recommended by the CNIL and not mandatory).
The possibility for the user to globally refuse the deposit of cookies is mandatory from the first level of information.
This is the most important change to take into account. This is indeed the most notable change in terms of visual impact and the potential impact on the number of sessions tracked. There must now be a "refuse" button in addition to the "accept" button on your consent banner first level.
Thus, these two buttons should appear on the first screen, on the first page of the banner.
The refuse button will therefore be as visible as the accept button for placing cookies. It is therefore an invitation to Internet users to refuse the activation of trackers more easily. However, in order to be part of a society that is increasingly protective of personal data and consent, it is a matter of a company's image to comply with these protective standards. It is a guarantee of trust towards your end customers that you offer this solution, even this possibility of refusal reduces your number of sessions.
The user must therefore be able to refuse as easily as he can accept the placing of tracers.
Please find more details on the consent on our dedicated article.
What is the timeline ? The deadline is March 31st.
This deadline only concerns the new measures.
The CNIL considers on its side that any company having a website and collecting data from the Internet users must already be in compliance with the GDPR standards that have been known for some time now.
Here are the changes in question, which you shall respect before the end of March, according to the CNIL :
-The period of validity of consents will be extended from 13 months to 6 months.
-No more scrolls for acceptance / No more navigation clicks for acceptance.
-Integration of the Refusal button on the first screen of your banner cookies.
Compliance for Internet users
Compliance is indeed an opportunity to gain the trust of Internet users, and to convey an image that respects customer data. The new standards imposed by the CNIL are therefore not just an obligation to comply with rules.
Organisation is better than a last-minute sprint!
We have an extended fleet of Store Locators. Our support is therefore likely to be less reactive in the event of strong demand. Remember to plan ahead :)
In order to meet your expectations, we bring you a turnkey solution with Didomi. We take care of integrating the solution into your Store Locator.
We offer you the opportunity to comply with the Didomi solution that we integrate on your Store Locators. Didomi is one of the most important GDPR players on the market and is continuously complying with any new standards imposed by the CNIL. By going through this solution, via our BRIDGE teams, you ensure a concrete and fast compliance, as the solution is well known to us.
If you want to have an estimation of the implementation, please contact our support team.
If you have your own consent solution, consider making the changes directly on its console. If you need BRIDGE to make changes to your Store Locator, please contact the support team.
We wish you a wonderful day from the BRIDGE by SOLOCAL team.
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