In BRIDGE, offer ranges can be set up to enrich your locations data.
These offer ranges can be used in the modules of BRIDGE: Store locator (display on local pages, filter in the search engine) and Online Listing (displayed on compatible publishers).
This article contains the following sections:
- Offer ranges and offer ranges items
- Add, edit and delete offer ranges
- Add, edit and delete offer ranges items
- Assign items to one or multiple locations
Offer ranges and offer ranges items
Definition of an offer range
An offer range is defined as a homogeneous group of items.
In BRIDGE, an offer range has the following properties:
- Name, for example: "Smartphones"
Type, used to identify your offer ranges in our Online Listing partners. The available types are:
- Product
- Service
- Brand
- Certification
- Customer
- Network
- Payment method
Definition of an offer range item
An offer range is composed of one or multiple items, which have the following properties:
- Name, for example: "iPhone"
- Description
- External link
- Image, which will be displayed on the store locator
- Icon, which will be displayed on the widget
Example of an offer range and its items
Edit offer ranges
Add and delete an offer range
Adding and deleting offer ranges might impact your local pages design. Contact our support to add or delete an offer range.
Edit an offer range
- Cclick on the settings cogwheel in the header of the application
- Click on the offer range you want to modify (edit icon in the Action column)
- Click on the edit icon, at the left of the offer range name.
- You can edit the offer range name and type.
Add, edit, delete and order offer ranges items
In the "Locations" section of the left sidebar menu, click on "Settings", then click on the offer range you want to modify.
Add an item
- From an offer range page, click on the "Add a product or a service" button.
- Fill with the necessary items information
- Click on "Save".
Edit an item
- From an offer range page, click on the edit icon corresponding to the item you want to modify
- Adjust the necessary information
- Click on "Save" to save your changes.
Delete an item
From an offer range page, click on the delete icon corresponding to the item you want to remove.
Order items
From an offer range page, click on the "up" and "down" icons to order the offers, then click on the "" button:
Assign items to one or multiple locations
There is two ways of assigning items to your locations:
- To assign items to a large number of locations, you should import locations
- To assign items to a few locations, your should manually assign these items
Notes: Some projects are not eligible for these features.
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