Do you need to upload some wonderfull pictures for your point of sale ?
Bingo ! BRIDGE allows you to upload 20 pictures max by point of sale in one shot.
Nice, isn't it ?
This upload of your pictures needs 2 steps :
- Preperation of your pictures
- Upload
1. Prepare your pictures with the good wording ;)
To begin with, prepare your pictures by following next advices :
- Rename the pictures you want to upload with the BridgeID or CustomID store :
- BridgeID-picturenumber.extension
- ou CustomID-picturenumber.extension
Sounds complex :( !
Well, to assign a picture to a point of sale, BRIDGE needs to understand at which point of sale you want to update the picture. What better and reliable than an ID ?
You can find BridgeID or CustomID in BRIDGE directly or on the download file of your points of sale.
The Custom ID is set in the general information for your point of sale, in the “Administrative information” section.
Here is a concrete example to picture this topic :
Preperation of my 20 pictures for the Merevo Youpla store :
60f193528d670219597d2347-1.jpg => BridgeID-DisplayOrder (First position).jpg
60f193528d670219597d2347-2.png => BridgeID-DisplayOrder (2nde position).png
60f193528d670219597d2347-20.jpg => BridgeID-DisplayOrder (Last position).jpg
Preperation of my pictures for 3 different stores (1 image per store, no jealousy) :
- Each store must have 20 pictures max.
- Each picture must weigh less than 5mo.
2. Upload your Pictures into BRIDGE
- In the navigation menu of your favorite BRIDGE Back Office, click on "Points of sale" then on "Upload images".
- Click on "Choose images" button
- Select images, carefully named, you want to upload
Do you want to replace old pictures by the new ones ? Easy
- Tick the checkbox "Delete existing images". This option allows you to delete old pictures for the store(s) you want to upload new ones.
- Click on "Upload"
- Wait a minute, go make yourself a coffee and sit comfortably until the upload validation.
We wish you a great coffee time and a nice day with BRIDGE by Solocal
Feel free to contact us for more details, or just to talk a bit !
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