When importing locations, some input lines could be rejected because of the reasons listed in the table below.
These error messages are also available in the import report in Result Details column.
Fields |
Error Message |
Explanation |
Bridge ID |
Location not found |
The Bridge ID has not been found, any location can be updated. |
Location name |
This field is required
The location name in the default language is empty, but is a required value. |
Type |
Location type not found |
The type of the location has not been found. The available types have been set up during the initialization of BRIDGE. |
Address 1 |
This field is required
The address of the location is required in the default language. |
Zip code |
This zip code is not valid for this country. |
For some countries (e.g. France), the zip code must be valid for the country. E.g : it must be 5 numbers for France |
City |
This field is required
The city of the location is required in the default language. |
Country Code |
This value is in the wrong format. The expected format is: 'ISO31661 Alpha2' |
The country code must respect the 'ISO31661 Alpha2' format (see import file format) |
Custom ID |
Custom ID: This value is already used by another location |
This Custom ID is already used for another location. It must be unique. |
EPJ Contact |
This EPJ is already used by (…) please enter another one |
L’EPJ is already used for another location. It must be unique. |
This value is in the wrong format. The expected format is: 00000000 |
The EPJ does not respect the required format : an eight-chars string (see import file format) |
Opening hours (Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Sturday, Sunday) |
Opening hour range of (…) is not in correct format |
The opening hours do not respect the required format (see import file format) |
Opening hours of (…) should last at least 5 minutes |
The opening hours must last at least 5 minutes. E.g : 09:00-09 :00 |
Opening hour ranges of Tuesday are overlapping |
The opening hours cannot overlap each other in one day. E.g: 09:00-13 :00,12:00-17:00 |
Minutes of opening hour range of (…) should be a multiple of 5 |
Minutes defined in opening hours must be divisible by 5. E.g : 09 :00-12 :03 |
Exceptional hours |
Invalid hours (format ISO 8601) on special opening hours |
Update in this column is not taken in account for now, but will be later. |
Special opening hours date should not exceed one year from now | ||
Overlapping special opening hours | ||
This value is in the wrong format. The expected format is: email@domain.com |
The email does not respect the required format (see import file format) |
This value is in the wrong format. The expected format is: https://example.com |
The webste link does not respect the required format (see import file format) |
Status |
Status: This transition is forbidden: (…) |
The requested change of status is not valid. An INACTIVE or an ACTIVE status cannot be changed to DRAFT. A DRAFT status cannot be changed to INACTIVE. |
Unable to deactivate location: some SEA campaigns are defined |
The location cannot be deactivate because some SEA campaigns have been set up for it. |
This value is in the wrong format. The expected format is: ACTIVE | DRAFT |
For a new location, its status must be ACTIVE or DRAFT. |
This value is in the wrong format. The expected format is: ACTIVE | INACTIVE | DRAFT |
When setting the status of a location, it must be a value among ACTIVE, INACTIVE or DRAFT. |
This value is in the wrong format. The expected format is: '[-90, 90]' |
The latitude does not respect the required format. |
Longitude | This value is in the wrong format. The expected format is: '[-180, 180]' |
The longitude does not respect the required format. |
Custom Data | List can have only one choice selected |
For a "Bouton radio" custom data, only one option can be selected (with an x or X in the import file) |
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